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Alex Saveau

Alex Saveau

Build better tooling


File Tree Fuzzer

Technical and performance overview

Published Jan 02, 2022 • Last updated Jan 23, 2024 • 4 min read

File Tree Fuzzer (FTZZ) is a CLI tool written in Rust that lets you generate pseudo-random directory hierarchies filled with some number of files, each of which can be empty or contain some number of pseudo-random bytes. The pseudo part is important: it means FTZZ will generate the exact same directory hierarchy given the same inputs. This makes FTZZ useful for benchmarking other programs like rm or cp since you can run them again and again on the same exact set of files.

Technical overview #

In a file system like ext4, independent directories can be operated on in parallel without triggering locking inside the kernel (for the most part). Thus, FTZZ’s goal is to schedule one file generating task per directory. In its simplest form, the algorithm determines the number of files and directories to generate according to some distribution, schedules a task to generate those files and dirs, and repeats up to some max depth.

Determining the file distribution #

Given a target number of files, the file to directory ratio (i.e. the number of files per directory), and the maximum tree depth, we can compute the number of directories per directory needed to evenly spread the files across a tree of the given depth.

First, we find the total number of directories needed: $\text{num_dirs} = \frac{\text{num_files}}{\text{file_to_dir_ratio}}$.

Next, we solve the following tree equation to find the number of dirs per dir (i.e. the fan-out rate of the tree): $\text{num_dirs} = \text{dirs_per_dir}^\text{max_depth}$. Rearranged, we get: $\text{dirs_per_dir} = \text{num_dirs}^\frac{1}{\text{max_depth}}$.

Finally, a normal distribution is used to add jitter to $\text{file_to_dir_ratio}$ and $\text{dirs_per_dir}$ such that each generated directory is unique.

Error correction #

Generating close to the target number of files is surprisingly difficult when the number of directories is randomized. This is because parent directories have cascading effects on the total number of files generated.

Suppose we want to generate 1000 files with 8 files per directory and max depth 3. Our formula tells us that we need $(\frac{1000}{8})^\frac{1}{3} = 5$ directories per directory. Notice that this is an over-approximation: $8 * \sum_{d=0}^3 5^d = 1248$ since the formula from the previous section only accounts for the number of directories in the last level of the tree. The correct equation involves solving for the base of a geometric series which (I believe) does not have a closed-form solution.

Setting aside the over-approximation for a moment, let’s say we generate a tree in which the normal distribution decides the root should have 7 directories and everything else gets the mean of 5 except for one other directory which only has 3 subdirectories. In such a case, we will generate $8 + (8 * 7) + (8 * 7*5) + (8 * 7*5*5 - 2*8) = 1728$ files. What about the other way around (3 root dirs, one 7 dir leaf): $8 + (8 * 3) + (8 * 3*5) + (8 * 3*5*5 + 2*8) = 768$. As you can see, small changes in the number of root directories has disproportionately large effects on the total number of files generated.

To solve these two issues, we treat the $\text{dirs_per_dir}$ value as a guess and dynamically update the mean of $\text{file_to_dir_ratio}$ to keep us on target. That is, we solve for $\text{file_to_dir_ratio}$ at each level of the tree given the $\text{num_files}$ that have been generated so far.

Scheduling algorithm #

The scheduling algorithm uses a combination of ideas from breadth-first and depth-first search to minimize memory usage and kernel locking.

If we scheduled directory creation depth-first, creating the parent directory almost certainly wouldn’t finish before we tried to create its children, thereby causing contention within the kernel as multiple threads attempt to create the same directory (since the child will attempt to create its parent).

Using a breadth-first approach fixes this problem since we’ll try to create a directory’s children after creating all of its siblings, thereby giving parent creation enough time to complete. Unfortunately, memory usage in breadth-first algorithms scales with the width of each level, which grows exponentially in our case.

To avoid contention while minimizing memory usage, FTZZ creates directory trees by scheduling creation of all the direct children at once for each node being traversed. The following picture illustrates this {depth,breadth}-first scheduling combination:

Scheduling order tree diagram

Performance overview #

While the file creation scheduling algorithm has the biggest impact on performance, there are many other small tweaks that become significant when applied together:

  • On linux, using the mknod syscall to create empty files chops the syscall count in half (compared to open/close).
  • When creating millions of files, using a name cache becomes important to eliminate the cost of converting integers to strings for use in file paths. (FTZZ names files and directories using monotonically increasing integers.)
    • Adding a cache is not as simple as it may seem: we cannot build it as we go as this would require locking of some kind (which must be avoided at all costs). Instead, we must pre-compute the cache in advance, hoping its entries are used. Furthermore, Rust does not allow you to share a heap-allocated object across threads without reference counting (since it needs to know when the object can be dropped), but this (again) requires locking in the form of an Arc. Thus, we must use unsafe raw pointers and manually manage the allocated memory.
  • Scheduling a huge number of tasks at once should be avoided in any language as this will incur unnecessary memory usage. Instead, schedule tasks in batches and wait for some portion of the tasks to complete before scheduling the next batch.
  • Re-use allocated memory where possible. Thanks to the batched scheduling and waiting, tasks can return heap-allocated objects for use in an object pool. In FTZZ’s case, this saves dozens of millions worth in allocations.

Happy fuzzing!